Marco did a great job of leading DPX this Sunday talking about music in the Buddhist tradition. Music can be an offering, can help with memorizing Buddhist texts and can aid in meditation. It can be a bridge between the ordinary and the divine. Chanting can cultivate focus. Music can bring you into the moment of joy, putting you in a different mental state. In group discussion, Mike talked about noticing resistance Marco leading us meditating to music, and then sitting with that resistance and realizing that change can be very fruitful. “Change is as good as a rest.” Sam brought up, the vagueness of the word spirituality. Rob suggested that a better word is connectedness. Connected to people and everything in the universe. Beth added that for her Spirituality is “trusting mystery.” Then Brendan added the definition, “An openness that the world is not what you perceive.” We talked about how the benefits of meditating every day at the same time multiplies greatly over meditating a few times a week at random. Sometimes meditating for just a few minutes can be more beneficial that meditating for 20 minutes. Sometimes meditation can be a coping mechanism when you start moving to extreme states of panic, fear, depression. Stopping and taking 5 minutes to breath and get back to center when needed is the practice. Meditating daily can be preventative, keeping you in your zone of tolerance, thus negating the need to use it as a coping mechanism.